The Klues Forest is a forest which lies in Schleswig-Holstein/North-Germany, between Flensburg and Harrislee.
Klues Forest has a size of nearly 436 morgen. Mostly you find typical trees of the area, for example beech, oak, ash, alder and spruce, which were planted.
Many people of Flensburg and also from Denmark, use the forest for local recreation. Therefore were built an place to barbecue, an natural children's playground and an so-called "Waldlehrgarten". That is an accommodation, where you find information about trees, the forest and the history of Klues Forest and the area which it belongs to. This part of the forest is called "Erholungswald" (recreational forest) and has a size of 304 morgen. So Klues Forest is basically for people to rest in nature.
The forest is part of the "Forstamt Schleswig-Holstein", the forest district of Schleswig-Holstein.